Saturday, January 31, 2015

Princess Zena end of week one

I admit that when Zena arrived I had this crazy notion that I would blog about her progress, our trials and tribulations and the amazing progress she was making. Ok, honestly not so much. I am committed (or as my mother would have said should be committed) to getting her potty trained soon. It is the sweet spot of learning at 15 weeks. She can go several hours between potty breaks, if she bonds with me she will want to please me, or not. I have to make a sign that says "she does not pee in the house to make me want to shake her by her pointy ears". In truth she has not learned how to tell me she wants to go out yet. If I take her on a regular schedule she will faithfully go or "try". I can't tell which. But sometimes she has too much water, too much excitement and then we have an "accident". It isn't an accident, it is a training set back. I have to keep telling myself that she is only going outside IF I get her there on time. She doesn't have any way to tell me she wants to go out. AAGH! Where is Dawson when I need him.

Biting, chewing - how did I forget this part. My hands and arms look like I just finished some military survival course requiring crawling under barb wire. I can't wear anything I love since some time during the day it will be nipped, bit, grabbed or chewed. My neighbors must think I am advertising to be a bag lady, old work out pants, outrageous socks, who knows what top. All to protect my poor toes, arms, pant legs.

So is there any progress? She still gets over excited and bites. I yelp and curl my arms up. She comes back and we start soft mouth, depending on how tired she is or how wound up it goes well. Other times, I get up off the floor and move to my chair. I have taken the advice of the Puppy Trainers and am restricting her space when she is not in her crate to the kitchen. I pulled in a chair and barricaded the hall and area between the counter and the wall. Today was ok, I finished my book while she was napping in my lap (bonding time) but tomorrow I have to figure out how to watch tv on my ipad. I can't see it from my perch in the kitchen. Earlier this week before is created this smaller space she and I watched hours of HGTV. By the way I will never ever be able to sell my house based on what these house hunters are looking for. I started out watching cooking shows but after watching at least three hours of making ganache, I baked brownies with a plan to cover them in chocolate ganache. Not good for the waist line. So I switched to house hunting.

Back to Zena. I do love her - or at least I am committed to her. I totally forgot how long it takes to go from a puppy to a dog you trust and love. She is hard work. Hubby and I have fought more in the last week than In the last year. I have a plan on training, he loves to be the hero who comes in and liberates her from her crate and follows NO potty training rituals. He plays tug and then complains when she gets crazy and nips him. I plead it is just a few weeks, he says I am too rigid.

If you are thinking of starting with a puppy and you are the trainer - set aside a minimum of 3 months to do nothing else. A good puppy is a good dog, and loved and valued forever. A bad dog is a constant irritation. It takes a total commitment to help her learn the rules of the family, to want to please her family. If you don't have that time, and most of us don't, think carefully about what you are getting yourself on to. As one of my daughters is right in saying - begin knowing where you want to end. If you don't want to hand feed your princess puppy forever, get her started with a few kibble then let her feed herself. If you want her to be comfortable in her crate because you may be away for several hours before she is totally trustworthy, then sit with her and read during her crate time so she doesn't think it is punishment. But mostly above all else, know that for at least the first two months, success will because you are potty trained, or play trained, the best you can hope for is that in month 3 and 4 it is half you and half your Princess.


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