I think that it is time that we adopt a law that requires that all elected local, state and federal elected officials have to not only take and pass Civics in school but that they have to maintain a minimum level of continuing education credits to even run for office. The course work should include the basics of the constitution, how the court system functions and the basic laws of the land. And for state and federal office there is a Civics 201 level set of courses that include the history of how our laws and sense of justice and fair play have evolved over time. Civics 202 will be on economics - not just the big stuff like the budget is x trillion, but who is effected directly and indirectly by every dollar that is spent or not spent. There will be an advanced class for committee members on how to really analyze the effectiveness of programs. Anyone on budget committees will have to take Civic 302 that will delve into their programs and look at why they were started, analyze their effectiveness and then have long thoughtful discussions with topics like -"Has the program outlasted its usefulness, or should it be retooled because the basic need is still valid?". What in the heck is going on - how have we become such ideologues that we cannot pass a budget. Let's do a quick logic check - no we don't have enough money to fund everything at the level that has been requested. Our budget is huge, but just like most of our own family budgets only a small percentage can be trimmed. Most of our money goes to fixed costs - shelter, heat, lights, water, insurance.... What is left is whether we go out to dinner every night or no nights, should we "staycation" or vacation, does little Johnnie get cool shoes or shoes. So why in the wisdom of the elected officials are they going after so many short sighted targets and raising the red herrings AGAIN of moral turpitude (women who by themselves have gotten themselves in the family way). Let's cut education funds - hang in there kids - we are already way behind the international curve on real education and graduation rates - that should solve the problem, let's cut family planning, just be surprised. This isn't a rant in favor of family planning or a wholesale rave on how well our education system is doing - I personally think we are doing a terrible job delivering real, meaningful services to children and families. But short of eliminating children and requiring families who need help to disappear, I think our elected officials have to get off their soap boxes and think about what they are doing. If the Federal Government shuts down who will be hurt - every hourly employee, every person who works for a company that contracts with the government, every person who serves those employees, and the list goes on. I remember the last shut down - this time I suggest that airlines refund any tickets for trips to Washington just as if there was a tsunami or hurricaine - sorry destination shut. Post signs on the Beltway and Interstate - halt here - Washington is shut no need to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival, take Aunt Sue home no tourist visit to the Smithsonian, go have lunch in the shopping mall. All of you who pulled up at the Grand Canyon - sorry closed. This is 2011, we have the most up-to-date technology, we can do business 24 hours a day, in our cars, offices, on the back porch, but we can't figure out how to keep the federal government up and running? Stop acting like spoiled three year olds.