For those who know me, I have tried to stay up with technology, prided myself in being an early adopter and not shying away from learning something new. I think it is the up side of being ADHD, I am always looking for a challenge, another ball of string to unsnarl or a better mousetrap. So, when asked to put together a form for a client I thought - heck yes, I have done many forms and they always look nice, are functional and .... you get the picture. But I have not done a form on a highly secure network since Microsoft brought in some new tools. So down the rabbit hole I went. It was probably not wise to start the project while I was away visiting my oh so handsome and consuming grandson and waiting the arrival of a granddaughter, my already wayward mind was not easy to corral. But I applied myself diligently, dragged along a stack of books, brought my highlighter and sticky notes -- and went further and further down into the rabbit warren.
There were so many options, so many choices - a truly bad, bad thing for my mind. It is very hard for me to close a door, rule out an option unless I have run it to the ground. The long and short is my brilliant son-in-law did some research, made a suggestion, got me back on the right path and the results fit the problem. Could it be tweaked so it could fly, make coffee and bring in the paper, maybe. But it was a small problem, needing a nice, clear solution. And I learned a lot of new stuff - hope I get to put it to work!
There were so many options, so many choices - a truly bad, bad thing for my mind. It is very hard for me to close a door, rule out an option unless I have run it to the ground. The long and short is my brilliant son-in-law did some research, made a suggestion, got me back on the right path and the results fit the problem. Could it be tweaked so it could fly, make coffee and bring in the paper, maybe. But it was a small problem, needing a nice, clear solution. And I learned a lot of new stuff - hope I get to put it to work!