That is the big question. Having read my daughter's blog for the last year I have come to the conclusion that it is a way to share a snippet of life with people you care about. I live in a different State than my mother, siblings and children. The casual conversations that you can have when you see each other regularly don't happen when it is a "trip" or even a phone call. I have never learned the art of calling every day just to check in. I envy friends who talk to their children, sisters, mother several times a week. For some reason I always think I have to have a purpose to make a call. But more on that some other time.
I am going to try to blog regularly - not the amazing 365 that Meagan commited to do - but more than once a month. That makes this the first in the new series.
This week my two grandsons came to snowboard for a few days. There is a big age difference between the two boys - almost 7 years. So I was a little worried about how they would do on the mountain. I don't ski and Bruce had lessons - so who would keep an eye on them? These guys were amazing. They kept an eye on each other. The snowboarded together, the oldest kept an eye on the younger one and did it with thoughtfulness. The few times the older one wanted to try a harder run, the younger hung out at the bunny slope. They played Wii together or seperately but four days into the trip - no fights, no sarcasm. Congratulations parental units -- you have done a great job!
I live on the other side of the country from you. I met you, your daughters, and Michael, only once, in 1973-74. Through Meagan's blog, and your blog, and a bit of facebook to get things going, I've been blessed to be able to connect with you, my wonderful nieces, and their way-above-average boys. Thanks, Jinni. And please blog-on!
Yes, please keep blogging. We don't have a "back home" where we can visit, so we are each other's "back home" - the little snippets of life are reassuring that somehow we will always be connected.
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