Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What was new is not as new

I have never thought of myself as a hoarder or someone who keeps electronics way past their useful life is over. No duct tape on my vacuum! But I think I am kidding myself. My last post was about my sewing machine, and it got me thinking about what else I might be hoarding and nursing along. One look in my office closet reveals not one, not two, not three but four laptops living in laptop retirement complete with power packs, external cd drives, even a zip drive. They live there happily with two cassette players, a portable cd player, a few wireless and ethernet cards and miscellaneous hubs all nestled in a tangle of cables and cords. They were all so perfectly wonderful when they were new! My first lightweight Dell - the one I loved the most is there. Of course it had to have an external cd, misc external storage, but those were small things in exchange for its slim line and light weight. Now I have a "red" external drive that is 2 years old and way out of date, being nudged out by thumb drives that can carry enough data to build and launch a rocket, or hold 10 trillion tunes, or 4 trillion books. You get the picture.

My question to the outside world is "Why can't I just get rid of this stuff and free up two shelves in my office closet?" What am I saving them for? They aren't museum quality. My grandchildren will not discover them and ooh and ahh. They don't contain that one great novel that I have beeen working on for years. I can't give them away -- three aren't wireless without a card, they won't run Windows Vista, two won't even run XP. So I ask -- anyone out there have any ideas?

When you solve that we can move on to my 'new vacuum' that turns out was made in 1990 and the repair guy doesn't think it is worth the $100 to repair it. When did I get so out of date? Where did the time go?


Meagan said...

I promise to keep my comments to myself....if you agree to an outlandish bribe because are such a pack rat. A sweet, loveable pack rat but a pack rat. Dare I mention the fear of being crushed by pillows whenever I open the guest room closet?

rwbenson said...

You are your father's daughter. Years ago, when I was packing to move from Baltimore to PA I came across a cardboard box in which I had saved the power cord, dutifully cut from every defunct appliance I had ever owned because, well, you never know when you'll need to replace a faulty power cord. The box didn't make it to PA. Most of your list is forgivable but - a Zip Drive? No no that must go.

Vanity the ultimate gotcha.

Vanity 1. Heels, shoes. They were my addiction. I loved being able to wear heels, sandals, cute shoes. Even if they were slightly uncomf...