For those of you who know me you can skip to the end for the punch line. Otherwise here is the background. When we moved this time we made an effort to find a neighborhood where there would be other people like us - empty nesters, far from home base. And we have found great friends. We enjoy each others company for dinner, celebrate birthdays, play golf, shop all of the things you do with friends. But the greatest surprise and gift has been finding a best friend. All four of us enjoy each others company, tolerate each others foibles, are truly interested in the children and grandchildren, and are there in a pinch.
Zed (the one eyed wonder Yorkie) woke up this morning feeling a little punk, he went out and did his business, had breakfast and went back to bed. By mid morning he seemed to perk up a little, so we went for a walk and then I went out to lunch for 2 1/2 hours with two friends. When I got home he was sitting at the top of the staircase staring at me unable to come down the stairs on his own. So -- took him out, he was hunched over like either his back or tummy hurt - alot. Since this always happens after regular vet hours we headed out to the emergency doctor.
I called Betty to see if she was busy (having just gotten dropped off from lunch) and she was on her way out so I said quickly where I was going and I would call when I got back. I was frantic and feeling terribly guilty. The little guy was trembling and taking little baby steps. He didn't wimper but you could tell he felt terrible - tail and head down, little hairs trembling.
We got all of the preliminary screening done and the doctor had just arrived when Betty walked in and said - how are you doing. She stayed with us, kept conversation going, Zed snuggled in under the chair and some element of peace rained. We got our meds (pain killer and muscle relaxer until Monday when we see our vet - no obvious signs of broken bones, herniated discs) Betty hustled Zed out the door into freedom - where he perked up enough to pee and poop, while I settled the bill.
That is a friend. Somebody who is willing to hang in even if it is boring, they really have something else to do, and you don't even have to ask.