Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year, New Broom

Evil spirits, gremlins, gloomy days begone.  We woke up on New Years morning having shared a midnight toast (with very yummy champagne and chambord) to a sprinkling of snow.  After sharing good-byes and a quick change of linen, we got to welcome Meagan, Mike and Ashby for several days of winter sports.  Despite a pinched nerve Meagan made the trip to introduce Ashby to skiing. Bruce was back in ski instructor mode and negotiated a trade of work for a lesson for Ashby.  

It was a strange holiday on the mountain. New Years fell mid week and lots of people had to be back at work the day after so Thursday ended up being an ordinary day with uncrowded slopes and  no lift lines, a perfect day for a beginning skier.  Despite my worries about Ashby being tentative about getting geared up and heading off with a stranger to ride up the lift and stare down the mountain, he was amazing.  His ski instructor is one of the best with kids (who don't whine) and he won Ashby's trust and with 30 minutes he was on the lift heading up to the top of the bunny slope.  Way to go Ashby.  

Home now I have begun to clean out clutter.  We are a tiny house of two with occasional small gatherings of friends but my pantry looked like I was feeding a horde regularly.  So I started reading "best by dates" and tossing expired boxes and cans.  My detective work found that I stopped entertaining, where I put in real effort, when Bruce fell. I have never gone back to doing parties with a theme, researched food, fun drinks ...   How else did I end up with two jars of fluff that had separated.  Who knew fluff could expire?  My goal is to get my basics corralled back to the cupboards in the kitchen, well just the regular basics, the four kinds of sugar, three canisters of flour and oils and vinegars, popcorn, 12 rolls of paper towels (you get the idea) can still have their own shelf (shelves) in the pantry.  Ok the goal is to keep the pantry up to date.  So if you come for dinner in the next 30 days expect to be served couscous or rice, with variations until I can tame the many choices living in my pantry.  

On to resolutions.  1. Pare down, who needs six spare pillows that really need to move on, and those very cute red heels that still hurt my feet, and many, many things that are stuff. 2. Spend more time with family and friends.  Hospitality is the healing oil that brings and keeps families and friends together.  So if I see you know I will ask what you would like to have for dinner and as a good Southerner I will ask what do you drink.  I'll keep you posted on my progress on both.  PS. No you cannot have my six shells for crab imperial, or the Christmas and Thanksgiving plates, or the dessert shot glasses. I need the for a party!



Meagan said...

How did you know I was thinking of making off with the Thanksgiving plates (only to ask you if you could store them because I do not have any room at my place!).

Meagan said...

How did you know I was thinking of making off with the Thanksgiving plates (only to ask you if you could store them because I do not have any room at my place!).

Vanity the ultimate gotcha.

Vanity 1. Heels, shoes. They were my addiction. I loved being able to wear heels, sandals, cute shoes. Even if they were slightly uncomf...