Zena is ever so cute, but she is eternally being compared to Zed. I call her Zed sometimes. I remind myself all of the time that I am comparing her to a 13 year old dog, one that had adapted to us and we had adapted to him. Zena is so different. She is afraid of a lot of things. Trucks, lawnmowers, shadows, thunder and lighten and FIREWORKS. It is going to be a long weekend. She has spidey ears and can hear booms in another county sending her skittering back up the porch stairs. Then we have neighborhood fireworks - illegal - and random. They don't stop at 9:30 they just go off randomnly. She is terrified and trembling and wants to climb in our skin. She hates riding in cars so no seven hour drive up to the mountains, and in truth If there is a thunderstorm it is far worse in the mountains.
And I need an attitude adjustment. For six months I have railed against her insistence on getting up at 5am, maybe 5:15 on a good day. And I resent it and am angry. She poops on schedule at 5:25pm which means I need to leave work at 4:45 promptly. In truth I could go to sleep at 10, get up at 5 and easily leave work at 4:30. I took a no stress, buck does not stop with me job that pays less than half of what I used to make so I could do those things. I made the decision to get a new puppy, and I made the decision to go back to work, so I need to put on my big girl panties and adjustment my attitude. Getting up at 5:15 lets me have time to have a shower and breakfast and get to the office by 7:50 which lets me leave at 4:30. So how do I do this? I love sleeping, I love my bed. How can I learn to love starting to go to bed at 9:30, not playing games on my iPad?
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