Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Apartment living

This is not a complaint, it is an observation. I live in an apartment in Atlanta. It is my work home, my weekend home is in Charlotte. When deciding where to leave the "full size" face wash versus the gift size I always think take the smaller one with you to Atlanta. The logic is flawed. I wash my face in Atlanta five nights a week and Charlotte two. The same is true with clothes. Every week I bring home clothes and figure out my wardrobe for the coming week and take clothes back. Where is the logic. I wash, iron, send my clothes to the cleaner in Atlanta. Why don't I think about what I will be doing in Charlotte and decide if I need dress clothes for there or if capris, golf skirts and yoga pants will do.

Noise, light, air. I have a nice apartment with lots of space. I have only one neighbor, upstairs. No one on either side. Some mornings my upstairs neighbor is a reminder to truly get up it is morning. Some nights I think he must be a Sumo wrestler bouncing across the floor making everything shake. Luckily he goes to sleep by 11 which is when I usually fall asleep. Light. I have blinds and security lights that shine all night. It is never dark. Probably good if I were to venture out at 3am. Less wonderful when trying to sleep. AIR and light That is the biggie. My air conditioner or heater work great. I have a door to the deck. But my apartment by my choosing when I thought Miss Zena would come here with me is ground floor. So leaving the blinds really open and cracking windows isn't happening. I open the door to the deck and then living room blinds when I get home, but close them before bed. I miss my home where my blinds are open and the window in my bedroom is always cracked open. I think I breathe better.

All in all it has given me a good test run on could I live in 1000 sq ft with one bathroom, one bedroom with someone else. NO. So I guess I better keep working.


Vanity the ultimate gotcha.

Vanity 1. Heels, shoes. They were my addiction. I loved being able to wear heels, sandals, cute shoes. Even if they were slightly uncomf...